


Patriot Bermuda is a medium-fine t extured hybrid Bermuda grass developed by Oklahoma State University turf research scientists. It is a dense, high performance turfgrass. Its appearance and quality is better than U-3 Bermuda and is on par with the best commercial varieties such as Tifway 419, Tifsport, and Tifgreen.

Improved Resistance to Spring Dead Spot:

Patriot has shown better resistance to spring dead spot disease than Tifway 419 and equal to Tifsport.

Wear Tolerance:
Patriot has shown it retains stand density and visual quality in high traffic areas.

The amount and frequency of watering, mowing and fertilizing depends upon the desired appearance of your turfgrass. Guidelines for maintenance procedures are offered below as good rules of thumb to follow on an as needed basis in maintaining healthy turfgrass with an attractive appearance.

Patriot provides an excellent material for tees when mowed at 3/8 of an inch. For fairways; a mowing height of Ѕ to ѕ inch is ideal. For other uses higher mowing heights provide excellent visual quality but should not be mowed over 1Ѕ inches.

Mowing Patriot provides an excellent material for tees when mowed at 3/8 of an inch. For fairways; a mowing height of Ѕ to ѕ inch is ideal. For other uses higher mowing heights provide excellent visual quality but should not be mowed over 1Ѕ inches. Fertilizing Patriot responds well to fertilization. Keep pH in the range of 6.0-7.0 and the soil macro, secondary and micro nutrients in the optimum range. Patriot requires nitrogen fertility at 4-6 lbs. of actual N per 1,000 sq. ft. per year. Split into 3- 6 applications. Adjust fertility to local conditions and on level of visual quality and maintenance desired.


Patriot is less drought tolerant than some other Bermudas. During dry conditions apply minimum Ѕ inch water 2 times per week to maintain color. Add more water if vigor recuperative rate is needed.

Weed growth competes with turfgrass growth. Good maintenance practices help eliminate weed problems. However, it may be necessary even under the best of care, to apply herbicides to maintain weed free turfgrass. Contact your local County Extension agent or herbicide dealer for recommendations for your type turfgrass.