Common Bermuda

Common Bermuda


Common Bermuda is a selection of common bermuda. It was originally selected from test plots in Georgia because of its texture, cold tolerance, durability and rapid spread. It has a somewhat finer leaf texture and is more cold tolerant than other turf-type common bermudas. It is the most popular bermuda sod sold in Oklahoma and many other areas of the Southwest. It is recommended for residential and commercial landscapes, roadsides, golf courses, athletic fields and provides excellent erosion control in problem areas.

Has high light requirement-requires full sunlight most of day. Should not be used in shady areas.

Has very good heat tolerance. More cold tolerant than most turf type bermudas. See shaded portion of map below for suggested areas of use.

Enters dormant stage in winter months. Stops growing when temperatures drop below 50F for sustained period, turns tan winter color. Requires 65F ground temperature for significant growth.

Will tolerate sustained periods of drought if well established. However, responds well to irrigation during dry conditions if higher quality turfgrass desired. Should be kept moist during sustained periods of extremecold.

Forms dense, deep rooted turf when well maintained. Excellent wear resistance and will withstand heavy traffic. Very good injury recoveryspreads rapidly by rhizomes in warm season.


The amount and frequency of watering, mowing and fertilizing depends upon the desired appearance of your turfgrass. Guidelines for maintenance procedures are offered below as good rules of thumb to follow on an as needed basis in maintaining healthy turfgrass with an attractive appearance.

Apply 1/2″ to 1″ of water in a single application about once per week during hot and dry conditions. To promote a deep, durable root system; deep soaking water applications are preferred over short and frequent shallow water applications.

For a high quality appearance keep mowed height 314 to 2 inches. Mow regularly with a reel or rotary mower allowing the clippings to remain. Irregular mowing practices may result in high buildups of thatch, which will require verticutting, mulching or removal. Suggested not to removing more than 113 of the leaf growth during a single mowing.

Apply 1/2 to 1 Ibs per 1000 SF of a full analysis fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphate and potassium; such as 28-13-13 in mid-April and 9-24-24 in midSeptember. To maintain a deep green color, nitrogen may be applied monthly at a rate of 1 Ib per 1000 SF May thru August. Suggest obtaining a soil test for specific fertilizer requirements.

Weed growth competes with turfgrass growth. Good maintenance practices help eliminate weed problems. However, it may be necessary even under the best of care, to apply herbicides to maintain weed free turfgrass. Contact your local County Extension agent or herbicide dealer for recommendations for your type turfgrass.